Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Self Hypnosis
It is worthwhile to consider how hypnosis can help you!
I have specialized in the use of Clinical & Medical Hypnosis for more than 35 years
I have helped hundreds of people eliminate their fears, anxieties & pain
Find the true source of your emotional problems and resolve them
Get relief from many stress & pain related medical disorders
Increase your motivation, confidence & success
Introduction to the Use of Hypnosis
The utilization of hypnosis can provide important information, understanding, insight, and useful skills to both the therapist and client/patient, in order to facilitate successful and efficient treatment – of many psychological disorders and medical conditions .
Benefits include:
- Achieve Your Goals More Quickly & Often More Comfortably
- Discover the actual source of problems
- No Dangerous Side Effects (as with many medications)
- Enjoy Natural Positive Side Effects (Increased Relaxation, etc.)
- Keep & Use New Self-Hypnosis Tools – For the Rest of Your Life
- Save Time – Save Money
Hypnosis can be effectively utilized to help people in many situations, including: medical issues, psychological, emotional, and learning difficulties, personal growth, and preventive medicine. (Hypnosis can even be helpful at times during marriage counseling)
Additional Resources
Hypnosis can help you to stop suffering, feel better & Grow Personally
Get relief from psychological & medical difficulties
Utilize hypnosis & self-hypnosis for self-improvement
Psychological & Emotional
Anxiety & depression
Crisis & trauma
Sexual difficulties
Internet/porn addiction
Low self esteem
Low motivation
Behavioral addictions
Smoking & overeating
Add & hyperactivity
Child & family problems
Sleep disorders
Relationship difficulties
Eating disorders
Learning disorders
Social dysfunction
Delayed personal development
Ocd (obsessive compulsive)
Chemical dependency
Incest & abuse
Post -operative depression
Pre-operative anxiety
Chronic & terminal illness
Medical Conditions
Gastro-intestinal disorders
Irritable bowel syndrome
Headaches – tension & migraine
TMJ & bruxism
Chronic pain
Speech & voice disorders
Muscle spasm
Tinnitus & vertigo
Allergic responses
Tachycardia & arrhythmias
Conversion reaction paralysis
Raynaud’s syndrome
Sexual Issues
Premature ejaculation
Erectile dysfunction
Sexual addictions
Performance anxiety
Inability to orgasm
Trauma – abuse – rape
Infidelity issues
Lack of desire
Lack of attraction
Fear of intimacy or sex
Embarrassment or guilt
Unconsummated marriage
Painful intercourse
Pelvic pain
Sexual addiction
Religious issues
Sexual identity issues
Same sex attraction difficulties
Dental Difficulties
Myofacial pain
Needle phobia
Dental phobia
Allergic to analgesia
Surgery – recovery
Discomfort from braces.
Orthodontic appliances
Eliminate night guards
Orthodontic appliances
Eliminate tobacco use
Pelvic pain
Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
Repeated fetal loss
Menopausal symptoms
Premature labor
Delayed labor
Prolonged labor
Post-partum depression
Difficult lactation
Psychogenic infertility
Hyperemesis gravidarum (nausea & vomiting during pregnancy)
Childbirth preparation
Create positive mind-body states
Reduce stress & anxiety
Reduce/eliminate pain
Reduce side-effects
Positively manage emotions
Increase self-esteem
Reduce need for medications
Improve sleep & relaxation
Increase motivation for healing
Increase energy
Sex therapy & intimacy
Pre-surgical preparation
Reduce pain of treatments
Reduce/cope with symptoms
Aid in rehabilitation
Individual psychotherapy
Couple counseling
Family counseling
Counseling for friends
Children &Teens
Anxiety & depression
Behavior problems
Worry & fears
Trauma & abuse
Learning difficulties
School difficulties
Poor communication
Low motivation
Low self-confidence
Poor social skills
Low self esteem
Smoking, alcohol, drugs
Obsessive compulsive
Acting out
Rebelliousness & anger
Coping with illness
Coping with disability
Strengthen Confidence
Increase Motivation
Improve memory
Increase concentration
Communicate Effectively
Increase Awareness
Reinforce positive attitudes
Increase Creativity
Improve Study Skills
Increase stamina
Reduce Stress
Relax Deeply
Sleep Well
Enhance Health & Healing
Overcome Fears
Eat healthfully
The reason is very straight-forward.
The utilization of Hypnosis & Self-hypnosis as therapeutic tools usually helps clients & patients achieve their therapeutic and personal life goals much more effectively, efficiently and successfully.
Often clients who have been in therapy for years with traditional talk therapies, tell me after just a few sessions they learned about themselves and benefited more than from months (and sometimes years) of therapy – this is no exaggeration.
My clients enjoy and value the process as being interesting, creative, interactive, alive, satisfying and often very enjoyable.
Clients often say that their experience in hypnosis is the most relaxed they have ever felt in their entire lives.
They are happy and so am I.
Of Course, one should only be treated with hypnosis by someone who is expertly trained, highly qualified and very experienced.
Only a person who is licensed specifically to use hypnosis in specific areas of expertise and specialization is permitted by law to utilize hypnosis in treatment or to teach hypnosis and self-hypnosis.
I am happy to let you know that …
I have successfully specialized in the use of Hypnosis for thirty-six years.
- I am licensed in Israel to use Hypnosis – both as a Licensed Clinical and Medical Psychologist.
- I have been licensed in the U.S. since 1981 to use hypnosis and to train therapists in the use of hypnosis..
- I taught Hypnosis at Antioch University Graduate School of Psychology.
- My Doctoral Internship and Research was in the use of Hypnosis, at UCLA-Santa Monica Hospital.
- I have thousands of hours of clinical experience.
- I taught self-hypnosis to hundreds of people, including physicians and therapists..
- I have many recommendations from physicians, obstetricians, gynecologists, surgeons, gastro-enterologists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, etc.
- I even was invited to give a lecture on Hypnosis at the 12th International Conference on Hypnosis in Jerusalem, 1992, by the former Israeli director of hypnosis services.
The truth is that there is no clear agreement among professionals what hypnosis actually is. What is more clear is that hypnosis effects a person’s ability positively to control and gain mastery over physiological, cognitive, and emotional processes and experiences.
- Hypnosis is a wonderful diagnostic tool
- Hypnosis facilitates the ability to remember experiences from the past.
- Hypnosis helps a person to understand the connection between different experiences.
- Hypnosis helps a person to stop negative patterns and habits.
- Hypnosis helps a person to create positive patterns and habits.
Self-Hypnosis is a wonderful skill & tool that is easily learned.
Self-Hypnosis is used to help a person to enhance self-mastery.
Self-Hypnosis is used to create positive feelings, habits and patterns of thought and behavior.
Self-Hypnosis is a wonderful way to relax, increase motivation and creativity.
Self-Hypnosis can be used to help a person overcome many psychological and medical dificulties
Hypnosis is a treatment modality that I utilize, only when it is both appropriate for a given patient and presenting problem, and requested by the patient with his/her understanding and written consent.
Many medical conditions are either partially caused by, or maintained by, high levels of psychological, emotional, and physiological stress. When a human being experiences prolonged high levels of stress, various bodily functions begin to malfunction, particularly the body’s immune system, and often pain results, as well.
Hypnosis is an excellent, efficient, and effective way to reduce stress and the accompanying harm that it causes.
Learning how to use self-regulation techniques of mind-body medicine, such as hypnosis, can decrease need for and dependence upon medications which usually have negative emotional and/or physiological side effects. Successful self-regulation also tends to increase one’s self esteem and self confidence, and can reduce anxiety, fear, and depression.
I want to give my patients the best treatment I can, and create the best treatment strategy for each patient. To do this, it is important for me to have the necessary information regarding their condition, medical history, and past and concurrent treatment, with other health professionals. I, therefore, request consultation with my patients’ medical doctors, when I treat them for medical or psychiatric diagnoses, or at least a copy of their medical report, so that I can offer the best services possible.
At times hypnosis is not recommended or appropriate for a particular patient. Whether hypnosis is utilized in the treatment of my patients is determined after consultation and evaluation of the patient, the specific issues presented, the preference of the patient, and the patient’s medical history.
Written consent is required in order for me to utilize hypnosis in treatment.
I am careful to abide by all the pertinent laws of the Israel Ministry of Health and Jewish Halacha, as well as all ethical considerations.